
Non-invasive diagnostic tools used to identify internal issues and provide targeted medical care.

Our on-site digital x-ray equipment provides efficient and timely imaging, which are assessed on site by experienced veterinarians who have access to board certified radiologists.

How much do dog x-ray examinations cost?

Based on your pet’s individual need, the veterinarian will review with you specialized diagnostics and treatment plan.

How do you use x-ray at your clinic?

Diagnostics based on radiographs can help determine the required treatment plan for your pet and can be used to help diagnose many ailments such as foreign body ingestion, constipation, bladder stones, trauma, pregnancy and many more.

How do you prepare your dog for their x-ray appointment?

Depending on the reason for your pet’s x-ray procedure, your pet may be scheduled as an outpatient appointment or you may be asked to admit your pet for the day.

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