Puppy Vaccinations

Maintain the safety of your new puppy by following a vaccination schedule.

Stimulating immunity through vaccination in puppies is a balance between exposure risk, vaccination, and maternal immunity transferred to the puppy in the colostrum. As the puppy ages the maternal antibodies decrease allowing vaccination to be fully effective in stimulating the puppies to produce their own long term immune response. As maternal antibodies decrease over time our vaccinations become more effective and this is the reason for the timing of vaccinations.

What vaccinations do you offer to new puppies?

There are a number of vaccines available to aid in the protection of disease. Our team of healthcare professionals are available to review and answer any questions you may have in understanding your pet vaccination needs.

Why is it important to properly vaccinate your puppy?

As your puppy grows the maternal antibodies they received during the nursing stage begin to decrease. Much like human children, puppies require vaccination at specific stages in their growth and development to protect them. Improper vaccination puts your puppy is at risk of contracting preventable diseases that can have serious consequences.

What is an appropriate schedule for puppy vaccinations?

A typical puppy protocol will consist of 3 sets of vaccines, starting around 8 weeks of age and spread one month apart. This can vary between puppies, depending on their lifestyle and risk factors.

How should you prepare your puppy for its first vaccination visit?

Try to allow a little extra time when you first come in for your visit so that your puppy can take some time to “sniff” out the place. Take it slow and give lots of praise and treats. Bringing your puppy into the veterinary clinic on a regular basis can help create a positive association for him or her.

How much do puppy vaccinations cost?

At Petworks Veterinary Hospital, we understand that the first year in your puppy’s life is a busy one. We offer excellent puppy packages designed with your puppies needs in mind. Each package includes a full noes to toes exam, nutrition and behaviour consultation, parasite control, and vaccination. Contact us today to learn more.

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