
A compassionate and humane choice to alleviate your pet's suffering.

Despite our best efforts, cats and dogs do not live as long as humans. Saying goodbye to a faithful companion will always be difficult. Being able to provide a peaceful goodbye is one of the kindest things you can do for your companion. You want to be able to look back on the choice you made and know it was the right decision.

What is pet euthanasia and how do I know when it’s the right time?

Euthanasia is a term meaning painless death. Deciding when is always a difficult and personal decision. Knowing when euthanasia should be considered depends on your pet’s health. It is often helpful to look at the quality of life your pet is experiencing.

Can I say goodbye to my pet in the comfort of our home?

Although we do not offer in-home euthanasia, you can contact us and we can direct you on who to reach out to for this information and service.

What drug is used?

EUTHASOL (pentobarbital sodium and phenytoin sodium) is administered after sedation. This drug contains two active ingredients which act in a manner that set the sequence of events leading to humane, painless, and rapid euthanasia.

What’s the cost of euthanasia?

PetWorks Veterinary Hospital works exclusively with a well-established crematorium in the local area. We offer an array of services and afterlife options for you. We understand that each family’s needs will be different, costs will vary depending on your specific needs and afterlife requests. When the time comes, or you have any questions please contact us and we will discuss options and answer any questions you may have.

Does the clinic also provide bereavement counselling?

There are many services and resources available to support you and your family during the grieving process. There are pet support lines and support counsellors who specialize in pet bereavement. Remember grief is normal and you are not alone. Association for Pet Loss Bereavement:

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