Dog Blood Tests

Monitoring the health of your pet is crucial, as they may not exhibit visible signs of illness.

A physical exam performed by your veterinarian can identify problems or concerns on the surface such as weight loss, vision changes, oral disease and many other indicators of disease. It is important to understand that the physical exam is only part of the picture, blood testing allows for much greater insight into what is going on with your pet’s health internally and it can help us detect disease earlier when no symptoms are present.

Why are blood tests for dogs important?

Compared to humans we often do not recognize signs of a problem in our pets until late in the course of a pet’s disease for the simple reason that they cannot tell us how they are feeling and instinctively it is not in their nature to show signs of illness.

How do I understand the blood test results?

When your veterinarian receives the results of your pet’s blood test they will review with you any areas of concern, and work with you to develop a treatment plan on how to manage any problems going forward.

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