
This non-invasive tool helps detect abnormalities within your feline friend.

Our on-site digital x-ray equipment provides efficient and timely imaging, which are assessed on site by an experienced veterinarian who has access to a board-certified radiologist. Radiographs also referred to as x-rays, help our veterinarians evaluate muscular-skeletal, cardiovascular (cardiopulmonary), gastrointestinal, reproductive and urinary systems. Our on-site, modern x-ray equipment provides high-quality radiographs to aid in the quick diagnosis of many disorders. Our staff are trained in radiology safety and careful handling of our patients.

What is the technology?

X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation, similar to visible light except that x-rays have higher energy and can pass through most objects, including the body. Medical x-rays are used to generate images of tissues and structures inside the body. If x-rays travelling through the body also pass through an x-ray detector on the other side of the patient, an image will be formed that represents the “shadows” created by the objects inside the body.

Does the clinic also do feline dental x-rays?

Dental radiology is a vital tool in veterinary dentistry, and they are essential in making an accurate diagnosis. Dental radiographs help determine whether teeth might be abnormal, mispositioned, missing, non-vital (dead) or vital (alive). Having this crucial information plays a significant role in deciding how to treat our patients.

How much does a cat x-ray cost?

Dental x-rays are often performed as part of your pet’s oral health treatment plan and are tailored to meet your pet’s individual needs. Once an oral health assessment is done by one of our veterinarians a detailed treatment plan will be review with you.

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