Flea and Tick Control

These pests can affect indoor cats and transmit diseases to humans.

Fleas are one of the most common and more frustrating parasites affecting cats. Did you know that one female flea can lay 100 eggs a day and that our Nova Scotia weather creates a perfect environment for fleas to be a year-round risk for your pet? Fleas can cause extreme itchiness for your pet and if left untreated can skin infections, anemia and many other health complications.

What are fleas?

Fleas are parasitic six-legged insects that feed on the blood of their hosts. To see actual fleas, you will need to look carefully and quickly, part the fur in several areas to expose the skin. Fleas are minuscule and move quickly on your cat, a flea is flat-bodied and almost black, in colour. Using a flea comb can help too, check areas such as armpits, belly and near the ears and tail as these areas are the warmest and are most attractive to the flea.

How do fleas harm the cats?

If left untreated fleas can become a real health risk for you and your pet. In general, fleas can cause severe discomfort for cats, including scratching, chewing, biting and they are the source of flea allergy dermatitis (FAD). Because fleas feed on blood, and female fleas consume about 15 times their body weight each day. This poses a threat of anemia to kittens as well as heavily infested or debilitated adult cats.

Why is treating and preventing fleas so important?

Often by the time you see one flea on your pet, you already have an infestation. Under the right conditions, female fleas can lay 50 to 100 eggs every day, so removing fleas after they have taken up residence in your home will require a multi-step process over some months, and this is why prevention is key. We often think of fleas being an issue when we see them and when we don’t there are no issues. This is often not the case, in fact when you start to see adult fleas you most likely already have a problem. Our humid climate and long warm falls ensure that the flea season typically occurs year-round. Using products such as Advantage every month will help to make sure that your pet is protected.

What are some simple steps for treating fleas in my senior cat?

Treating fleas can be simple! There are several safe products for use on senior cats, and your veterinarian will help answer any questions or concerns you may have and remember that the best treatment is prevention.

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