Dr. Ryann Dancy


Dr. Ryann Dancy
Dr. Ryann Dancy Veterinarian

I started my academic journey with a degree in Business Administration from Drexel University in Philadelphia. I found myself living in various places like London, Guernsey, and New Zealand before landing in Colorado, where my love affair with veterinary medicine began.

I began as a receptionist at a general practice clinic and quickly fell in love with the field. I started taking pre-med courses while still at the front desk and eventually transitioned to working hands-on with the animals. After gaining experience as an internal medicine veterinary assistant and technician, I decided to pursue my dream of becoming a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. I completed my degree at Glasgow University, with a brief pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic, during which I worked as a technician in Nova Scotia.

I'm thrilled to be a part of the PetWorks VH team, where I get to do what I love every day. While I don't have any pets of my own just yet, I have a soft spot for chihuahuas and plan to welcome one into my life when the time is right. I'm dedicated to providing the best care possible to every furry friend that comes my way and look forward to meeting you and your pet!